New! Threshold indicator for Flatten and Plane-fit.New! Support for SIS files from Bruker NEOS microscopes.New! Creation of AVI movies using Image Export and Run History.Works with “Run History” to allow many files to be exported at once. New! Image Export allows export of images to BMP, TIFF, PNG and JPG with or without scale and color bar and either at a given dpi or with the original pixels.New! Automation of image processing and analysis using “Run History” and browser improvements.Current features and improvements include: NanoScope Analysis is a software package for analyzing SPM data (images, ramp data, HSDC, etc.) collected using Bruker SPMs.

Download a copy by following the directions given here: Nanoscope Analysis v140r1 Download Instructions.pdf We are please to announch the release of the latest version of NanoScope Analysis, Bruker's free offline data processing software.