In addition to this, the app lets you play music, use enhanced technology, and set your skill level and age for a personalised tutoring experience. It provides progress information via detailed reports, and then upgrades lessons as per the user’s current keyboarding skills. The software guides users with step-by-step tutorials, customised lesson plans, typing games, and comprehensive assessments. Whether you’re just learning to type or want to increase your typing accuracy and speed, you could benefit from Mavis Beacon free download. Since then, the program has continually been updated to provide users with an efficient typing tutor that helps them with touch typing.

Mavis Beacon first released in the '80s and quickly gained a massive following. Once you start using this tool, you’ll improve your typing speed, as well as accuracy. It also comes with various music options for an immersive learning experience. It offers step-by-step guides, skill-building games, customised tutorials, and detailed assessment reports highlighting your weaknesses and strengths.

Mavis Beacon Free is a comprehensive application that can help you improve your typing speed.