GMC needs to realize there is a serious problem with their manufacturing and issue a recall on 2008 Chevy Tahoe's. They declined assistance on helping me repair the issue which is due to their manufacturing of this vehicle!I am very unsatisfied with their unwillingness to even not offer some sort of solution. And of course they denied that there are issues. I explain these complaints to the customer service rep that was assisting me. I was amazed when searching for similar issues that there were quite a few Chevy Tahoe owners that experience the same problem. I have contacted GMC to complain about my issue and requesting some sort of financial relief for the cost of the expensive repair. I had never had a problem with the previous two vehicles, but on the Tahoe I have experienced 6 years into my truck a cracked dashboard.

Vvela, Houston, TX, USA.I have owned 3 Chevy vehicles including my current 2008 Tahoe. Thanks CAR COMPLAINTS for the sounding board. Do what is right for the American consumer. Put some faith back into American made products or at least admit the defect. With over 4 billion key codes, and new codes added daily, InstaCode is the.This is a disgrace for a USA product. InstaCode is considered the leading Key Data Software throughout the world. Tags: auto locksmith, car locksmith, lock change, car key, dallas locksmith. Anyone that owns a Tahoe with this problem is frustrated with the unwillingness of Chevy to listen to them.Instacode Crack 2008 Gmc. Trade in value is drastically affected because of this defect. It should be a recall and Chevy should fix the problem. This issue is common for the Tahoe 2007-2014. The RapidShare system is designed for the automated handling of laser marked wires and cables.