Then you define the function download link. You use the from pytube import YouTube function to import the Python Pytube library before continuing with the other aspects. Link = input("Enter the YouTube video URL: ") Print("Download is completed successfully") Now let's get to the main aspect of writing and implementing the code to download our favorite videos from YouTube. You can change the name of the file at your leisure – otherwise, the original name will be retained. Then, obtain the video's proper extension and resolution. Build the YouTube module's object by supplying the URL as a parameter. The pytube library improves video downloads. To install Pytube using pip, you will need to open your command prompt CLI as an administrator and enter the following command: pip install pytube

When you have pip, installation is simple. The native library is not pytube – you must first install it to be able to use it. Pytube is a small, dependency-free Python module for accessing videos from the internet.

As you may know, one of Python's great strengths is its huge number of modules and libraries. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Python code to download YouTube videos. Still, you are unable to save them locally. But in a recent upgrade, YouTube now allows you to save videos in its download folder for offline viewing. You can quickly watch videos with a few mouse clicks, but downloading videos is difficult. There are millions of videos in categories such as education, entertainment, and travel. YouTube is a well-known internet video streaming service.