There are two ways to add a place: dropping a placemark on the map or using Search to find a place. Now it’s time to add your first place to the map. You’ll notice that your edits are automatically saved in Google Drive as you work. She started the Jane Goodall Institute, which works for chimpanzee conservation across Africa. Her work revolutionized our understanding of chimpanzees. Jane Goodall is one of the best-known naturalists and conservationists in the world.

In this case, we’ve supplied some text below for you to copy and paste into these fields. In the Project Details panel, click the Edit button to the right of Untitled Project to edit the project’s title and description. If you’re not already logged into your Google account, you’ll be prompted to do so. If you’ve created Earth projects before, then you’ll see a list of your projects and can click the New project button to create a new project.

You can share your project and collaborate with others. You can create a project on any subject of your choosing, drawing placemarks, lines and shapes, adding rich contextual information to your places (text, links, images, videos, 3D views and Street View), and organizing your project into a narrative flow. The new creation tools in Google Earth allow you to easily create and share maps and stories about our world as an Earth project.